Friday, 10 February 2012


As a group, we have decided that it would be best to have a brief outline for the script, and improvise as we go along.  This was due to the genre we decided on and the best way to make it look as if nothing was scripted or planned, like a found footage film should be.

We believe that we need to have a few points mentioned at some point, to allow the film to flow and give the right impression about what happens in the rest of the production.  These included;

  • 'I don't believe in witches'.  This is to get the point that the film is about witches, and the research into them.
  • 'How do you work the camera?'.  This is to show our lack of knowledge when using a camera, and to show we are student film makers.
  • Pendle Hill and its folklore.  This is to show where we are, and where will be shooting, as well as the history behind why students would be researching Pendle and the witches. 

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