Wednesday 8 February 2012

Film Opening: The Blair Witch Project

The Blair Witch Project starts off with a simple motif for the two production companies 'Artisan Entertainment' and 'Haxan Films'.

It then fades to show the title 'The Blair Witch Project' on a black background with white text, then again fades to show 'In October 1994...'.  This adds suspense to the film as you do not know what is going to happen, but gives you a sense of the horror genre.

It then cuts to a close up shot, which is very blurry, of the leads face.  The camera is very shaky adding to the unedited feeling of the film, which is continued throughout the film.  This also creates a sense of realism to the film.  The woman does not know how to use the camera, shown with the blurriness of the shot, and the voice-over 'Is it recording?'.  

After looking at both REC/Quarantine and The Blair Witch Project, we noticed some major similarities.  The shaky camera and blurriness of the shots added to the unedited feel, which make the footage feel as if it has just been found and distributed.

 The opening credits are very simple, and very short, and you almost forget them as soon as the footage begins.

There are no transitions between shots, and the footage has not been re-shot if any errors occur, as in REC.  All of the above make it feel as if the footage has just been found, and distributed straight away, which adds a different aspect of realism to the film.

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