Thursday 26 April 2012

Evaluation Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this film?

Technology is very important to film creation.  We have used;
  • Blogs, provided by Blogger, to document our film in all stages of its creation.
  • YouTube to upload the film to receive feedback
  • Facebook to allow us to collect feedback
  • Adobe Premiere Pro to edit and create our film
  • Digital video cameras to film the footage, as well as digital cameras to take photos for locations
  • Digital SLRs on a slow shutter speed to take our light-art letters for the text at the start of the film
  • Adobe Photoshop to edit photos for use in the film and blog.
  • Adobe Flash to create the production company logo

I believe that I have learnt quite a lot about these technologies, and also believe that these can strongly influence on how the film is shot, as well as the final outcome.  

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